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Right Action for Autistic Kids

Extra love and patience is an approach that is often forgoten in the education of children with autism in a number of clinical therapy. Because of the efforts to form a positive attitude towards them without conscious tend nuanced violence, then the children become traumatized, afraid to follow therapy, or parents who do not receive. In fact, impressed the formation of behavior in children with autism, such as educating animal behavior!???

Its a reality.For example, ordered them to sit with his eyes bulging, screaming, shouting etc. If they do not follow,they sometimes get other violent acts.

Autism is a neurobiological developmental disorder are severe or widespread, and can occur in children in the first three years of life. People with autism have trouble communicating, social interaction, and limited activities and interests and repetitive. Symptoms for example, children can not speak or too late to talk, speak with a language not understood, do not want eye contact, do not want to play with peers

According to Tarin MPsi Rosdiana MHPEd,a doctor in Jakarta,Id, there are several things that you ,the parents who know their children have symptoms of autism can do.
The action you need to do among athers are:


If we experience something different in children, then immediately consult a doctor or psychologist. The sooner treated, the better. Moreover, if the child is under 3 years.


For children affected by autism, parents can help by way of diet. Because with the right diet, it is possible to recover a larger child. This diet also has to do with obedience and discipline from parents.


Many ways to heal children in autism. Therapy can be a cure autism. Never too late to give proper treatment in children.

Add more information

Find information about autism as much as possible, either through books, internet or other literature.

Group or Community

Create a community for parents who have children in the state of autism. From simply sharing stories, the parents whose children with autism can add to knowledge, experience and information.

Do not Give Up

If your child is affected with autism, work in curing the child. Do not ever give up and always think positive for the healing of your child (Ingrid N)

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