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How to Communicate with Your Children

Who said it was easy to communicate? We could meet every day with the whole family, but we are not necessarily talking heart to heart with each other. Alternatively, fathers, mothers and children are close together or sitting in the same room, but each one is busy with a cell phone or watch a show on television.
In fact, parents are strongly encouraged to create communication, invite her to talk though only briefly. You see, through that little conversation, a lot of significant impact on the child's progress. Do not forget, the children learn from what they see in the home, from their parents. So, do not be lazy invite children to talk and tell stories. Talk about what they are learning in school and what they want to achieve. Indeed, we should always follow the development of children, both at home and school, is not it? Do not wait until your child's teacher contact. Be proactive. The success rate of children who have a parent who always follow the progress of their children in school is higher than children whose parents are rarely invited to speak.

Here are 10 simple ways that you can apply to start a conversation, make kids want to hear your words, and his experience.

1. Be a good listener
If the child wants to tell something, stop doing what you are doing at that time. If not, the child will feel cared for and think you do not have time for him. Also avoid interrupting. Let the child express feelings of anger, fear, happiness, or simply commented. At other times, the child's turn to listen to your words and not hurt you to vent about a topic that is appropriate for his age. Being a good listener as well as the attention you give a gift that is best for the children.
Here are examples of words that show your child how much you seriously listen to what is being said or she told: - O,ya, then? - Mama understood. - Wow! - Wow, really great! - Yes, Mama understands your feelings. - Forward your off steam, remove what you buried.

2. Two-way
When talking to children, give them choices, whenever possible. Let them feel talking to you, instead of being set. Create a two-way communication, not one-way communication, and not dictate attitudes.

3. Calm and honest
Avoid words that are not appropriate as an expression of anger and frustration. Children will learn to be a good listener and believe in what you say when you talk to the right, honest, and calm. Trust and respect comes from honesty and sincerity. If you do not mean it, do not say things that do not need you to say.

4. Give support
If the child entrusted to your story, they should feel relieved, inspired, feel your support, and excited. Do not make them feel guilty or disappointed. When a child comes to you and tells his problems, listen attentively and give support through words such as: - Mama / Papa sure you can handle it. - Each issue is certainly no solution, including the problems you face. - Think again carefully. You have to really understand it. - Mama / Papa is here to help you. - Mama / Papa was first time Mama ever experienced your age.

5. Put yourself
  Try to let go of the attribute as a parent when a child listening to vent and try to put yourself in the position of the child. Think and feel how difficult it is for children to express their concerns and think carefully before giving a reaction or comments.

6. Avoid lots of questions
Try not to dominate the conversation. When the vent and feel your child is too fussy or upset with the story, the possibility of another time when he had a problem, tell it to your child cured. As a parent, of course there are times where to discuss problems faced by children. Make sure you discuss the problem and not deviate from it.

7. Follow up
After he delivered the problem, follow up. This will make sure the child, you are concerned about the difficulty, would help, as well as give you a chance to get into his world.

8. Spend time
Busy parents is not always a bad parent. Do all things spontaneously, like going to the cinema or exercise together. Fixed take time, whatever little, for beloved baby.

9. Apologize when wrong
If you say or do something that probably should not have said or done, do not hesitate or shy to apologize to the child. Admit that you too are only human who can make mistakes.

10. Love baby
Tell the child (without ever getting bored), and show how much you love him through the loving treatment. Give him attention, just like when he was a baby who has not been able to do anything. Show him, for you there is nothing more important than being with him.

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